Introducing Calligo’s Data Warehouse as a Service

(DWaaS) Solution

STRATEGYZ’s Data Warehouse as a Service (DWaaS) offers a single, safe and secure data foundation so every team and department can make better decisions in full context and innovate faster.

Consistent, consolidated data means you can build a more dynamic business. Data Warehouse as a Service (DWaaS) is a managed service model that allows you to exploit the insights, data consistency and data safety benefits of a data warehouse solution without paying the upfront costs of building your own, or hiring teams to do so.

Consolidate and Centralise Data

Consolidate and Centralise Data

Develop a consistent and safe data environment that consolidates multiple data sources under a single interrogable data model.

Reliable Data Foundation

Reliable Data Foundation

Establish a solid and reliable foundation for fast, context-rich decision-making using data analytics, machine learning, and visualisation tools. This provides an alternative to complex and restrictive system integrations by leveraging the Data Warehouse.

Data-Driven Culture

Data-Driven Culture

DWaaS enables the creation of a future-proof data framework that can accommodate new or replacement data sources without interrupting decision-making. Establish a single environment for overlaying data privacy, security, and regulatory policies and technologies.

Data Warehouse as a Service from STRATEGYZ

Quick and accurate data extraction

Quick and accurate data extraction

High integrity transfer of data from any sources through expert use of leading pipeline technologies, or custom code.

Built on safe, secure, independent architecture

Built on safe, secure, independent architecture

Unhindered by any constraints within your current infrastructure, while tightly aligning with your disaster recovery strategy.

Creation and maintenance of data model

Creation and maintenance of data model

Custom-built data model, turning disparate data sources into a consistent dataset and ensuring continuous data quality.

Privacy by Design

Privacy by Design

Entire service – including data logic, model and infrastructure – built to privacy best practices, and in line with any governance requirements.

Trustworthy data

Trustworthy data

Merged, cleansed and enriched data, regularly tested for accuracy and completeness and its compliance with the core data model.

Evolves with you

Evolves with you

Managed service ensures your data environment evolves in step with your needs, your business or changes to your data sources.



Entire technology stack and all processes meet stringent ISO and SOC-based security and compliance requirements.



Delivery of better data faster, able to be put to a wide range of uses, powering real-time decision-making.

Continuous ROI

Continuous ROI

Removal of infrastructure and application administration overheads, and sidesteps the need for data architecture skills.